Residential |
Traditional Energy |
Lite |
Basic |
Plus |
Current Indoor Temperature |
Current Total Energy Usage in Watts |
Current Energy Usage by Device in Watts (Limit Showing 12) |
Current Energy Usage by Device in Watts |
Individualized Average Hourly Use in kWh by Device (24 Hours) |
Agregate Average Daily Use in kWh (7 Days) |
Individualized Average Daily Use in kWh by Device (7 Days) |
Individualized Average Daily Use in kWh by Device (31 Days) |
Individualized Average Monthly Use in kWh by Device (13 Months) |
Residential |
Renewable Energy |
Lite |
Basic |
Plus |
Energy Importing/Exporting Intelligence |
Current Total Renewable Energy Production in Watts |
Load Calculation Based on Renewable Production and Utility Measurements |
Residential |
Other Resources |
Lite |
Basic |
Plus |
Hourly Water Usage in Gallons (24 Hours) |
Total Daily Water Usage in Gallons (7 Days) |
Total Daily Water Usage in Gallons (31 Days) |
Total Monthly Water Usage in Gallons (13 Months) |
Residential |
Weather |
Lite |
Basic |
Plus |
Current Outdoor Temperature (From Weather Widget) |
Weather Forecast (From Weather Widget) |
Current Outdoor Temperature (From Weather Instrument) |
Weather Forecast (From Weather Instrument) |
Weather Dashboard |
Residential |
Data Analysis |
Lite |
Basic |
Plus |
1 Week of Data Retention/Storage |
12 Months of Data Retention/Storage |
36+ Months of Data Retention/Storage |
Customized Online Reporting Cabability |
Exporting Functionality |
Total and Device-level Spending Calculations Based on User-supplied Pricing Input |
Total and Device-level Spending Calculations Based on Location Database |
Total and Device-level Spending Calculations Based on Real-time Pricing from Utility |
Carbon Footprint Calcuations Based on Location Database |
Comparison Analysis with Database of Averages |
Comparison Analysis with Other User Data |
Degree-day Calculations Based on Location |
Degree-day Calculations Based on Live Weather Data and Real Setpoints |
Scenario Builder |
Residential |
Interface |
Lite |
Basic |
Plus |
Unique URLs |
Advertisements |
Dynamic Graphs and Charts |
Secure Logins |
Mapping |